Group History

Epping Scouts is a vibrant Scouting group in Northern Sydney, NSW, Australia. 

The 1st Epping Scout Group was formed on 3rd July 1915 by Mr Bill Hunt, a local plumber, only 8 years after the Movement was founded by Lord Baden-Powell at Brownsea Island in England.  The Group has operated continuously since that date, and is one of the oldest Scout Groups in Australia to have done so.  Many "local" family names feature in early Minutes and records, and over 200 people attended the 75th Anniversary of Scouting celebrations in 1985.  The Group held its Centenary celebrations in 2015 with the main building's Foundation Stone being refurbished and formally unveiled by Doug Bennetts, the oldest past member aged 94, and assisted by 6 year old Sebastien Wookey who had been invested for 1 month.  Sadly, Doug passed away not long before his 100th birthday in 2020.


The Essex St Hall:  Early records show that meetings were held in various local premises until in 1925 the Group Headquarters at Essex Street was completed (at a cost of 695 pounds) on land which originally extended to the corner of Oxford Street.  This building, with several extensions and modifications, has continued in use since that date.  The building will be 100 years old in 2025.

The North Epping Halls:  1st Nth Epping Scout Group was formed in 1961 and followed in 1965 with 2nd Nth Epping.  Both Groups met in separate halls on Crown land adjacent to the North Epping Bowling Club.  

The Meadowbank Boatshed:  In 1939, the Group was fortunate to obtain a boatshed site at Meadowbank, when AWA handed over their jetty, previously used for staff transport to the Homebush transmitter site.  The original shed was built with scrap timber under wartime rationing, rebuilt in the 1950s, and then replaced with the red brick structure which opened in 1977.  This building served the Group well for more than 40 years under the harsh conditions of salt water, tides and wash from the passing ferries.  In 2020, the building was replaced with the current structure, constructed over the previous slab with extended floorspace and a larger rigging deck.  Boating activities have been a feature of the Group's programme, although the Sea Scout section was merged with the general troop in 1987 to consolidate training.

With changes in local population, Group numbers rose and fell in the following years, with numbers between 20 and 200 recorded, as extra Sections were added and additional Groups were formed in the District, Including both 1st & 2nd North Epping.

The Air Scout section also operated from 1960 to 1987, and a number of members obtained flying qualifications through the Scout Air Base, now located at Camden. In 1990, female membership was extended to Cub and Scout Sections, and has improved training as well as the opportunities for families with children of both sexes to support a single youth activity.

In January 2003 the Epping Group was formed from the merger of 1st Epping and 1st/2nd North Epping producing a strong, well resourced group offering the full life time range of Scouting experiences from Joeys (age 5) through to Rovers (ending at age 26) and on to leader roles or Committee service.

The Group takes pride in its record of service to the community, and its youth training standards, which have produced:

  • 10 BP Awards,
  • 16 King's Scout Awards before 1952,
  • 51 Queen’s Scout Awards from 1st Epping and Epping Groups and 24 Queen's Scout awards from 1st or 1st/2nd North Epping Groups, 
  • plus many Peak Awards for the Scouts, Cubs and Joeys. 

Former Leaders from the Group have served in senior positions in the Movement, including the role of Chief Commissioner and two of the Branch Commissioner positions.

Taken from: 1st Epping Scout Group Annual Report 1997 and kept up to date.